Names Galore
A quick NOTE: These are just my more common names, the others I have not bothered to list.
Also: These are the top name is the name I typically go by CURRENTLY, so you may want to jump to the bottom & work your way back up

Shadowknight Named for a picture I found of a guy with tattoos on his face and a huge sword resting on his shoulder.
Servant of Ares The Greek God of War rules through my Aries sign's ruling planet Mars (the Roman version of Ares). 7-11-97
Jadan A roguish personality I created for AD&D once, resurrected when I passed the street the character is named after in my hometown. Now it is home to a short story I have created just for him ( 9 June 1997 ). Used in the PP
Aritaeus My newest name as on... May 10th. I like it because it is Greek and a god and the son of Apollo, who may as well be my patron deity! Used in the PP
Knight-Templar The most recent added to my collection. I used it a couple times in March, and I think by starting Cormyr: a Novel, I like the name even more. Besides, it has the allure of Shakespearean speech and blood-thirsty talk at the same time. Used in the PP
Ma'aruf Stolen from a book on the Arabian Nights, by Sir Richard Burton, this name perhaps comes closer to reflecting my true nature. I have been told it means "clever" which could be the singlemost word that I'd use to reflect people's description of me (both on and off the net). Used in the PP
Polar Bear The logical evolution from Sneezy da'Polar Bear. Of all the names, Polar Bear has to be the most jovial of all. Used in the PP
Sneezy This name occurs in many forms, including:

Sneezy da'Giant
Sneezy da'Polar Bear

This name marks my return to chatting after an internet disaster. Used in the PP

Makai On the net, this name has had limited use (mainly only in the telnet chat site called the Resort. The origion of this name comes from a series of short stories I started, but never completed that were essentially a fantastic autobiography.
Prince Kheldar Also known as Silk, the jack-of-all-trades from the David Edding's novels (Belgariad and Mallorean pentads). Popular during my second rebellious phase in the Spring of 1996. Used in the PP
Shakespeare Actually, the name is E.S.Shakespeare. This poetic and gentle soul could be almost the OPPOSITE of its predecessor Brimstone. This name was popular during my melancholic Winter Quarter in the beginning of 1996. Used in the PP
Brimstone My 1st chat handle. A devilish personality with a great love of "debauchery" (maybe just the word?) and the trouble that comes with it! Popular during my rebellious first entrance into chatting. Used in the PP

Meanings Sesshu -- Japanese Painter

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