Chat Rooms

Yes, I spend too much time chatting... Yes, I love it... Yes, I probably would only stop if I had someone who would occupy all my time outside of the net.

You probably noticed the Polar Bear, right? Well, that is only ONE monkier... I've got plenty others, here so maybe you've met me online and didn't know it?

Netscape Rooms

Pleasure Palace (in here as as Polar Bear)... Just come into the Palace as my guest!!
Maui Chats Home away from the Palace...
Avalon Medieval Fantasy chat room. At Merlin's Chambers private Rooms can be created
Arkansas Bill's Neighborhood


The Resort The Foothills
Utopian society on the net? *lol* The Metropolis of the net...
Mars Base Alpha 4 * Snow Plains

MBA4 is my main haunt these days, but I slip into the Palace every so often.